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How to Aptly Express Condolences When Needed

condolence flowers singapore

The death of a loved one brings much grief to those left behind. In such times of grief, it becomes all the more important that those around them assure them that things will eventually be okay, and that they are not left alone in this world to deal with all their hardships.

However, aptly expressing your condolences to a loved one who is grieving can be extremely challenging. The right words don’t seem to come by, and many are left wondering what to do or say. Our team at The Interior Collections have thus put together this piece, to provide guidance on how you can aptly express your condolences when needed.

Be Present

One of the most important things you should do when a loved one is in grief is to be present as often as possible. Make your way down to the wake if you can, and be physically and emotionally there for them during this difficult time. Don’t worry about what to say when you’re with them, your presence alone lets them know that your thoughts are with them and that they can turn to you if they need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. This is the first step of aptly expressing your condolences.


Those in grief may not be in the right state of mind to hold a conversation or engage in idle talk. This is why writing is such an important step in aptly expressing your condolences. By penning your thoughts and sending them over to those in grief—via a letter, an electronic message, or any other medium—you essentially give the person in grief the freedom to choose when they want to view and read your condolence message. That way, it becomes less likely that your message will overwhelm them, and more likely that it will act as a source of comfort during their troubled times.

Your condolence message should include:

  1. Your condolences. Make sure your condolences are warm and caring rather than disconnected and formal. “My condolences” may be brief, but it also lacks personal touch. Be sincere when you pen your condolences, and consider phrases that are more relatable, such as “I’m going to miss them too”, or a simple “we are so sorry for your loss”.

  2. Your appreciation for the deceased. It can be extremely comforting and heartening to read about how highly a friend or family member thought about the deceased when one is grieving. Keep it simple and straightforward, such as “what an amazing person and a remarkable life lived. I’m so happy I got to know them”, or “They touched so many lives for the better, mine included. I’ll always cherish my memories with them.”

  3. An offer of help. Especially if you’re in a position to help with arrangements or other matters such as housework, meals, and the likes, be sure to offer up your help in your message. Even a simple listening ear or a shoulder to cry on counts for something. Just be sure to follow up.

Gift Flowers

The phrase “action speaks louder than words” is a debatable one, but it is always best to give both where possible. On top of your written condolence message, be sure to send in condolence flowers if possible. Condolence flowers and flower stands mean a lot in Singapore culture, often mirroring how much a deceased was loved while alive and offering comfort to those mourning the deceased at the wake where the flowers will be placed. Table flower arrangements can also be sent over as long as the appropriate flowers are used.

You should also send floral gifts to your loved ones once the wake is over, to remind them that though the rituals and ceremonies have been done, that their grief is still remembered and your offer of help and companionship still stands regardless.

Express Your Sincere Condolences with The Interior Collections

The Interior Collection is an online flower shop in Singapore that offers same-day condolence flower delivery for condolence flowers and flower stands.

Express your sincere condolences to your loved ones with The Interior Collections, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you require more information.
