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The Art of Self-Love: Gift Yourself Flowers


The theme for International Women’s Day this year is #ChooseToChallenge - and beyond gender bias and inequality, there are many ways you can actually embrace this theme. 

With the notion of self-love and self-care gaining a new spotlight in recent years, our team at The Interior Collections would like to challenge you to embark on a journey to self-love - to become your own best friend, your own hero. In other words, pamper yourself - just like how you would do to your loved ones.

Why Loving Yourself is So Important?

Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Look, we have to admit that as humans, we are our own harshest critics. We rarely congratulate ourselves for achieving something big or even just for trying our best. On the contrary, we are always quick to point out our own flaws and shortcomings. We never hesitate to criticise ourselves and wish we could do better.

Sometimes, life can be a little unkind. When that happens, we wake up in the morning, and the first thought that comes to mind is how much we hate what we see when we stare at our own reflection. That’s because we lack the capacity for self-acceptance - and beating ourselves up only chips away our self-worth.

When you choose to love yourself, you become more accepting of who you really are. You embrace your differences and your shadow self. In the pursuit of unconditional self-acceptance, you’ll find strength and courage to try new things and go after your dreams. You’ll find yourself being comfortable in your own skin, and naturally, pessimism diminishes.

Confidence from Within

Be it at work or in our personal relationships, we often seek approval from others. We want someone to give us a tap on the back and say, ‘well done’. Think about the feeling when your boss praises you personally or publicly - your shoulder lifts, you stand taller, and you walk with a spring in your step. But what if - just what if - no one recognises your efforts and accomplishments?

Seeking your sense of value from other’s opinions only leaves you exhausted - it is a recipe for disaster. Wouldn’t it be better if you don’t need the acceptance of others to feel complete?

When you develop a sense of self-love, you’ll start paying attention to your own value and beauty. You’ll find yourself not having to extend your efforts to please others. You feel comfortable in your own skin, and you don’t need others’ validation to make you proud of who you are.

But Why Flowers?

Self-love is a process that takes time to build. So let simple, little things be the first step you take.

With flowers being a tangible symbol of love and appreciation, we reckon that it’s a great way to start showering yourself with love and affirmation. It’s easy for us to get into the habit of thinking that someone else should buy it for us when we have something momentous to celebrate. But hey, who’s to say that they have to be gifted by someone else? Instead of waiting for others to make your day special, why not throw your own party and buy yourself a gift box filled with flowers? There’s no shame in that, really.

Besides, with their evocative colours and fragrance, flowers serve as an instant pick-me-up. Think about the first blooms of spring and how they make your heart sing.

Well, at the end of the day, we can list hundreds of wonders flowers can do, and even science-backed ones. But if you want to order yourself some flowers online just because you want to, our question is: why not? You don’t need a justification to treat yourself kindly. That is self-love.

With all that said, wait no further. Get your blooms via The Interior Collections online store now and enjoy free same-day delivery, regardless of where you reside in Singapore.
