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5 Blooming Wedding Flower Trends for 2021

New trends are constantly emerging each year, and wedding flowers certainly aren't an exception to this.

The theme for International Women’s Day this year is #ChooseToChallenge - and beyond gender bias and inequality, there are many ways you can actually embrace this theme.  With the notion of self-love and self-care gaining a new spotlight in recent years, our team at The Interior Collections would like to challenge you to embark on a journey to self-love - to become your own best friend, your own hero. In other words, pamper yourself - just like how you would do to your loved ones. Why Loving Yourself is So Important?Unconditional Self-AcceptanceLook, we have to admit that as humans, we ar..
Flowers are wonderful and roses, in particular, make an exceptional impression when they are given as a gift. Roses have been the symbol of love and friendship for a long time. While all flowers are beautiful and spread a little joy to the recipient, red roses have a special and distinct association with romance and love. Ordering a bouquet of red roses online and sending them to someone special is a beautiful way to declare your feelings or simply to remind them of how much they mean to you. Red roses are a classic gift to make an impact on someone that you want to impr..
  You finally reach the office after fighting your way out of the hectic working crowd at the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) station. After sitting down and turning your computer on, you notice an odd and sour smell that reminds you of the stinky rubbish chute behind your office building. You look up and notice that the flowers your beau sent as a surprise last week have begun wilting and rotting. Sadly, even the freshest blooms will die after some time, even if you cut and water them regularly. But there is a way for you to enjoy pleasing flowers - that is, sw..